Wednesday 11 March 2009

surgery required

Still in a state of euphoria from the night before (Liverpool 4 Real Madrid 0) I was fully prepared to be brought back down to earth on Wednesday morning. After all, I had helped organise an all-day surgery for NUJ members working at Newsquest's Madhouse.

Basing ourselves in the delightful Montmartre (a suite in the Holiday Inn, West Nile Street unfortunately) Jim McNally and I were delighted to see a couple of members waiting patiently for us at 9.05am. That was the start and it never stopped or even slowed down until 6.15pm. I never had the chance until after 5pm to even mention the game from the night before.

It was an education even for two old hands like me and Jim. A salutory education even, as individuals and groups of journalists and photographers joined the ongoing discussions on their nice new contracts. I never recognised any content providers or noticed any multi-media wallahs in the room all through the proceedings.

One thing we could agree on was the whole situation was exciting, very exciting. What was most exciting was the range of possible legal action that was available to the union to pursue on behalf of the excited members.