Tuesday, 9 November 2010

sickies they make me sick

Duty of care is a great phrase. It is actually used extensively in legal claims and is definitely put to regular use by trade union officials trying to protect their members. It is pretty straightforward and I would have thought easy to understand. Even the concept can surely be grasped without too much difficulty. You are the management. This is the employee. You have a duty of care towards them. There, it's simple.

In these days of diminishing numbers in newsrooms, multi-tasking, extra responsibilities without extra pay, longer hours, less breaks, concern as to the future of our industry and jobs then stress levels grow. Not just an increase in pressure which some bosses think is acceptable but damaging stress, which destroys people mentally and physically.

The NUJ has set up counselling in Glasgow for hard-pressed members and mangements have introduced absence management policies. Some response from those with a duty of care.

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